The Use of Intensive Therapeutic Lifestyle Management of Metabolic Syndrome: A Case Study


  • Tijani I. A. Oseni Department of Family Medicine, Edo State University, Uzairue, Nigeria.,Department of Family Medicine, Edo State University Teaching Hospital, Auchi, Nigeria. Author
  • Kenneth Atoe Department of Chemical Pathology, Edo State University, Uzairue.,Department of Chemical Pathology, Edo State University Teaching Hospital, Auchi, Nigeria. Author
  • Caleb U. Adebayo Department of Family Medicine, Edo State University Teaching Hospital, Auchi, Nigeria. Author



metabolic syndrome, therapeutic lifestyle intervention, hypertension, diabetes, remission


Purpose: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. We present a case of metabolic syndrome in a 55 year old driver that was managed with intensive therapeutic lifestyle modification.

Methods: A 55-year-old driver with obesity who was not a known hypertensive or diabetic presented to our facility with a two weeks history of weakness and dizziness. He was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidaemia). Patient had three months of intensive lifestyle modification intervention consisting of low calorie, high fibre diet from locally sourced natural food, salt reduction, brisk walking daily from an initial 20minutes per day to 40 minutes per day for a minimum of six days a week, stopping alcohol intake, together with strong family support, mostly from his wife. He was also placed on medications for his hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidaemia.

Results: Three months after commencement of therapy and intensive lifestyle modification, patient improved significantly loosing 10 kg body weight from class II obesity to class I, with associated reduction in waist circumference (from 1.09 to 1.02m), becoming normotensive (120/80mmHg) and fasting blood sugar significantly reduced (138 mg/dl) compared to baseline (440mg/dl). His lipid profile also improved will all the parameters within normal limits.

Conclusion: Intensive Therapeutic Lifestyle Intervention led to remission in hypertension and improvement in glycaemic control and lipid panel leading to reduction in the number and doses of medications taken. It is important therefore that clinicians incorporate lifestyle medication prescription in routine clinical practice particularly for patients with chronic medical conditions.


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How to Cite

Oseni, T. I. A., Atoe, K., & Adebayo, C. U. (2025). The Use of Intensive Therapeutic Lifestyle Management of Metabolic Syndrome: A Case Study. Tropical Journal of Drug Research, 2(1), 1-5.

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